The infusion persists!

Posted: Thursday, April 9, 2009 by Rahul. in Labels: , , , , , , ,

Voices all around you.

A deliciously bland polyphony.

There in line with your eye, the preceptor goes on with unimpressive words, cloying sentences, and observant remarks. Around you, well, they sleep, they snore, they hoot, they throw, get thrown out.

The infusion persists!

The atmosphere isn't static either.

Often(very), it may unfortunately transfuse into a war field, where the chances of a hurling carbonate missile(chalk piece :)) going down your auditory canal is pretty high. Once in a while, white and black silhouettes skiff past the hopeful corridor, sending chills down your gyrated spines. Sometimes a succulent someone enters the isolated quadrilateral(the classroom) and the polyphony inflects. You are the happiest person in the world. But otherwise, the same boring forty minutes.

The soothing medley tempts you and you momentously slip into an assuaging hypnoid trance. The pensieve stirs and you silently reflect on the cogitations that strike your gyri and sulci. The sober gravity of your brain strikes differential notes, and one or two of them bemuses you, and draws your worthy attention. The wormhole takes you elsewhere.
You lose your point.

You regain your senses.

The infusion persists!

You open your sluggish eyes to check on your certainity. After carefully alligning your drowsy face in the presumed shadow of the perpendicular text book, you sneak back in, this time all the more voluntarily, revier-ing the revered tocsin.
You open your refreshed third eye to the maestro within you-the sub conscious mind. The factory of varied actions, decisions and often, embarrassingly delirious spectacles. This is what you really are, though you never appreciate the monkish fact. The gypsy within you capitalizes on your mood. It takes you places. The clock doesn't stop. But the transition isn't felt, it ain't there for you to see.

Oh you unfortunate one!

At the end of the day, there are many things which you may happily, ideally, and revolutionarily have undone-including pulling up your pants in the morning(the low-waist stuff)-just for dwindling the summation of accusations made to your dad over the phone by the unenterprising principal, and of course the foggy after-effects.


  1. Arjun says:

    um..quite good....the first part made perfect sense 2 me being a daily witness but i dont think anyone outside will make head or tail of it.
    the second part(abt the gypsy and ur damned phlilosophy), i cudnt figure it out totally

  1. chubby says:

    u see//
    der are lot of things like this .Why not try writin abt the school mag//

  1. Jane says:

    this is seriously good! :) And all the philosophy actually makes sense! :P

  1. Loyolite says:

    rock on dude....!!!!
    u make sense at least in somethings.....
    wonderful choice of words.........
    and bring on more of these writings......

  1. Sethu says:

    i dont think there is much of "philosophy " in the article..... and it makes perfect sense 2 me... its gud...absolutely....

  1. Dexter. says:

    good one man!and u really made good use of the thesaurus too!:P

  1. Anonymous says:

    u RoCkInG mAn....

    lIkE uR lAnGuAge...

    and it makes perfect sense 2 me.....